Home Activities Virtual Private Networks - project, installation and support
Virtual Private Networks - project, installation and support |
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) are largely used by businesses with remote offices or remote users to share private data and network resources over the Internet by forming a direct and secure connection between the sites.  A VPN provides:
- Secure Point to Point Connections over the Internet;
- Reliable Data Transfer;
- Encryption to Protect your Activities;
- Deny Access for Unauthorized Users.
Types of VPNs:
- Dial to Server VPN (Server Authenticated Clients);
- Dial to Router VPN (Router Controls Access Lists;
- Router to Router VPN.
The creation of a VPN has certain prerequisites that must be met, Resonance Ltd. can investigate your computer network for compliance with these parameters and where required, recommend and implement the necessary changes. Our team are ready to help with your requirements.
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